Pulse Point Survey ©


In today's fast-paced competitive climate, a solid market strategy based on reliable data is essential to help you focus your company's direction. The Pulse Point Survey © is a custom-designed IVR (interactive voice response) or Web survey that allows you to gather valuable qualitative and quantitative information from your customers or employees.

James & Associates partners with you to design the survey process that meets your unique requirements. Choose from a sample size of 50 to 500,000. We'll manage the administrative details for an all-in-one solution.

The Pulse Point Survey method is a proven user-friendly way to discover what your customers or employees think about your product, service or company.

Survey Methods

James & Associates offers the Pulse Point Survey in either IVR (interactive voice response) or Web formats. The benefit of using these methods is clear: the cost savings alone are considerable compared to traditional research methods using outbound telephone calls or mail. And you'll be very impressed at the dramatic difference IVR and the web provide in terms of improved response rates and rapid turnaround!

Survey Development

The savings are considerable compared to traditional research methods using outbound telephone calls or mail.

Our staff walks you through the IVR script development process. From the simplest five-question consumer satisfaction survey to the most complicated multi-part employee opinion questionarire, we make sure the application stays on target and delivers the data needed.

Data Delivery

The Pulse Point Survey method is a proven user-friendly way to discover what your customers or employees think about your product, service or company. Let James & Associates show you the easiest, most valuable way to gather the information you need to reach your strategic goals.